Thursday, November 19, 2015

Collab: Similarities and Differences in Spriggs Essay

      All three articles state positions clearly
·         All articles similar to Spriggs’ essay include appropriate background information
·         All articles have authoritative tones which is similar to Spriggs.
·         All articles appeal to the readers values (pathos).

             Half of the group articles include responses to what others have said or done
·         A third of the group articles include clear indications of why the topic matters as does Spriggs.
·         A third of the group articles include evidence to their arguments which is similar to Spriggs’ essay.
·         A third of the group articles include more than one point of view which is similar to Spriggs’ essay.

·         Two thirds of the group articles address global issues which is similar to what Spriggs addresses. 

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