Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Paper #3 peer edit- Matt

1a. The claim that the author is trying to make is that gun control laws should be enacted because when handled improperly, tragedies occur.

1b. There is a clear thesis in the first paragraph which states, “there should be more gun control in certain aspects, such as safety courses and general firearm education.


2a. The reasons that are given to support the claim are that liabilities occur if a firearm is handled improperly due to ignorance, accidental shootings could be more prevented, and finally education is the key to preventing fatal gun incidents.

2b. The evidence is that in WA state there are almost no restrictions on gun purchasing. Also, there was a story about a young boy who died after unintentionally shooting himself. There were also other stats about accidental shootings.

2c. The reasons are very sufficient because these are real examples of people getting access to guns, who should have never been able to reach/and or touch them in the first place. Also, the fact that there are little restrictions of the purchasing of guns in our state, is a major example to support the authors claim.


3a. The only counterargument was that implementing gun control will not stop homicide, and/or other crimes. The author deals with them by stating that “In the end, the bad guys are going to be the ones who continue to carry and abuse, and the good guys…have the intention to use their guns in a safe and responsible manner.”

3b. See above^

3c. The author does treat the argument respectively, and responds by saying that “educating the public will inform the majority of good gun owners to use their guns in the most responsible way.”

3d. The arguments are appropriately qualified.


4a. There are 9 sources the author has used, each used either as a statistic, news incidents, or studies on gun laws.

4b. All the sources are credible because they are all facts. There’s no way to change statistics, and in terms of studies and stories on the news, they are only as reliable as the source, which all are factual in this case.

4c. All the sources are dated from 2014 and 2015.

5a. It seems that the author assumes everyone has heard what has been going on with gun control laws in the past few years, there’s no definition as to what it really means, because it’s well assumed everyone knows at least a bit about the current uproar of gun control.

5b. The word we isn’t exactly mentioned, but the tone and other words included do help to tie the reader in and make them feel like this is an issue they should be concerned about.

5c. I definitely share the beliefs of this author. People are entitled to purchase what they please, no one can really stop them from that. If a gun is an important purchase for you, for protection or animal hunting purposes, I don’t have the right to deny you of that. But ample education and safety courses should always be implemented, as well as background checks whenever purchasing a gun.

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