Thursday, October 15, 2015

Angie's List vs. Zomato

Both websites are very useful, but for different reasons. Angie's list is terrific if you are looking for a painter, cleaner, plumber, or even an interior designer. They have over 723 categories of different business owners, and they provide ratings for them. On the other hand, Zomato provides ratings as well but for restaurants. You can search any town/city and be provided with food attractions, and again ratings and reviews of the restaurants. I think that because they are both so different, both are very effective ways to find the best company for your renovation/project or the best restaurant to cure your craving. All in all, the design of the two websites and format is laid out with clean lines, but colors to draw people in. They’re both quite simple, and are arranged in an organizational fashion. (Categories on Angie’s List, and a broad search bar on Zomato.) If I could change something to either of the two though, I would add categories to Zomato’s website. I think it would be much more efficient if there were categories for different cuisines. (Mexican, Italian, Chinese, etc.) And/or if there were categories for strictly bakeries/dessert shops, or any other specialty markets. 

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