Decisions made (from little to big)
What areas of my life they affected
What I decided to wear today/makeup
(Personal life) They affected my level of confidence
If I should go out to lunch today
(Financial life) The more I spend, the less $ I’ll have
How many hours I will put into work this week
(Financial life) The # of hours I put in dictates how much I’ll be able to save and spend these next two weeks
How much time I should leave for my English essay, art work, and math work
(School life) By putting more time aside for school work, I will perform better this quarter which will help me in the long run.
If I should quit my job and find a new one
(Personal, school, and financial life) If I quit my job initially I will have more time for school and friends, but I won’t have any money to spend or set aside and save.
If/where I’m going to college
(School and financial life) Not going to college right away will save me money, because I’ll have more time to save for it, but the chances of returning to college after taking a year off are slim.
This chart tells me that school and work are big priorities
for me, and when I make decisions I keep school in mind first and work in mind
second. But, I also want to make sure I keep up with my social life and allow
myself to have one. Friends and family are just as important to me, but
sometimes making time for them has to come after school work, and sometimes my
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